Saturday, May 14, 2011

This Is The Part I Hate . . .

Have you ever dreaded doing something?

Let me be a little more specific: have you ever known with all your heart that God has called you to do something and allowed you to go through the appropriate experiences to do it, and then, having arrived at the point of commencement, been afraid to launch?  That describes exactly how I feel in starting Christian Sex Blog.

Don't get me wrong: I'm not necessarily doing anything that hasn't been done before.  Sex has definitely come closer to the forefront as a topic that Christian leaders in the American Church are willing to address: we've heard more about churches addressing sex and sexuality in the last decade than we ever did in the preceding forty years.  That's a good thing.  We as the Church of Jesus Christ have to be able to address issues with that carry such grand social implications, especially considering how "important" sex is to American society.  We have to be willing to address this topic with full conviction that God's Holy Spirit will give us the words we need to be able to shine a light of divine revelation on something that affects every American over the age of eight.  The fact that we are now addressing the topic of sex in this way is what some would call "progress."

That being said, I find that certain pieces of the puzzle still need to be addressed: are we going deep enough?  Are we really touching as much of the subject as we can?  Let me ask it this way: are we doing enough to touch all of the different spiritual issues that are tied to different kinds of sexual sin?  Are we giving enough practical instruction on how teens can be in relationships that don't involve sexual intercourse?  Do we even have the right perspective on teens and dating?  Are we teaching men how to properly care for their wives sexually?  These are the just a few of the many questions that stir deep inside of me, and that is why I started Christian Sex Blog.  I feel that there are certain parts of the puzzle that we haven't quite fit into place for enough people yet, and I feel that God has given me (through my varied triumphs and defeats) the tools to help shine some light that will help a lot of people. 

Now, I don't want you to think of this as a lecture hall; I have always believed that ideas are best learned when the studen is able to interact with the teacher.  I also feel that the teacher can often learn a lot from those that he seeks to teach.  I want this to be a place where we can educate about sex and sexuality, and we can feel comfortable tackling the really deep issues that men and women face when it comes to sex and sexuality. 

As we go forward from this point, we need to remember that God designed us as beautifully complex creatures, formed in His image and likeness.  The human soul and the human psyche are topics that people can spend a lifetime studying and still not fully understand.  That being said, please keep an open mind.  If you feel that more information is needed or that something was not addressed appropriately, please let me know.  We'll talk through it to see if 1) you can better understand, or 2) I was approaching the subject with incomplete information and needed to correct something I was saying.  This blog is a labor of love, and I don't want it to be about me pontificating in order to show my vast knowledge; I want it to be about helping people understand themselves, why God made them the way He did, and how we, as spiritual creatures in earthly bodies, can better understand the mysteries of sex and sexuality, both of which are gifts from God. 

God bless you as we embark on this journey together.
